Transat Jacques Vabre : Departure is delayed.
Because of a rapidly worsening weather forecast, across the Bay of Biscay with predicted winds of 80kts and 10m seas, the start for the 40 strong IMOCA class for the Transat Jacques Vabre Normandie Le Havre, the two-handed race from Le Havre to Martinique due for 1329hrs today, has been postponed and the fleet will not leave Le Havre until the situation improves.
Words from the sailors…
« The race directors have just decided to postpone the IMOCA start to a later date. This decision was taken because there's a low-pressure system arriving between November 2 and 3, which is a little too strong, and which was making conditions complicated. For us, with our fast boat, it was normally okay, but we didn't have the right to make any mistakes. But for the daggerboard IMOCA boats, which are a little slower, things could get very hot. After all, it's a fairly deep, fairly violent low-pressure system, the likes of which you don't necessarily get every winter. So it's a reasonable decision to preserve the fleet. Of course, I'm disappointed because I was ready to set off, in the end, adapting to the weather is part of being a sailor » Explains Clarisse Crémer, as she walks away from her boat.
“Last night we were told that the race directors had modified the course for the Class 40s and Ocean 50s, to protect them from the storm. It can't be an easy decision to make. And I wouldn't like to be the one to make it! The problem is that in our fleet, there are a lot of speed gaps between the IMOCA boats, so for the fastest boats, it would have been okay, but the last ones would have been caught in the storm. You have to think collectively, and make sure that everyone can race in good conditions, and the risk was too great.” Adds Alan Roberts the co-skipper.
The team is now awaiting further instructions from the race organizers, in order to reschedule a start.
More information to follow.